Lifestyle & Human Interest

Little Boy Opens Lemonade Stand After Dad Dies of Cancer So He Can Take Mom on Date


For weeks, 6-year-old Brady Campbell made preparations for his first lemonade stand with the help of his father, 37-year-old Brandon Campbell.

But tragically, Brady’s dad died on July 7 after battling stage 4 colon cancer for six months. The pair never got to sell lemonade together, but Brady wanted to forge ahead with the lemonade stand anyway.

According to CNN, young Brady set up his lemonade stand outside his Denver, Colorado home the day after his father died.

Brady’s mother, Amanda Campbell, said her son hoped to earn enough money to take her out on a date, the way his father had always done.

“I think he kind of came up with it himself,” she said of her thoughtful boy.

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In a heartwarming interview with KDVR, young Brady confirmed this was the case.

“My dad and I came up with the idea of a lemonade stand to take my mom on a date because I didn’t have enough money and I wanted to pay, so I did it,” Brady said.

Brady’s lemonade stand received a boost in traffic after a Denver police officer called other first responders and invited them to stop by and make a purchase.

Amanda Campbell said the police and fire presence, along with the support from neighbors, friends and family, was a bright spot in an otherwise sad time for her family.

“We had fire trucks and police cars and tons of officers and firefighters and they let him spray the hose and took him up in the big tower and he just had a blast,” Campbell said.

“It was amazing. You could just feel the warmth and energy and such a positive thing in such a tragic time for us. It really lifted our spirits and really made Brady so happy.”

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At the end of the day, young Brady walked away with $244 dollars, showing that he has an entrepreneurial spirit like his father.

“My husband would be proud because he was a very successful businessman, so I’m sure he would have loved that,” his mom said.

Campbell said that so far, her son has responded with resilience and a positive attitude since the death of his father.

“He just says ‘I’m glad he doesn’t have cancer any more. I’m glad he doesn’t have pain,'” Campbell said.

“That brings, I think, Brady a lot of peace and me peace.”

Brady is preparing to enter first grade this fall, and is reportedly hatching the perfect plan for a date with his mom.

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A graduate of Grand Canyon University, Kim Davis has been writing for The Western Journal since 2015, focusing on lifestyle stories.
Kim Davis began writing for The Western Journal in 2015. Her primary topics cover family, faith, and women. She has experience as a copy editor for the online publication Thoughtful Women. Kim worked as an arts administrator for The Phoenix Symphony, writing music education curriculum and leading community engagement programs throughout the region. She holds a degree in music education from Grand Canyon University with a minor in eating tacos.
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